Wireless kinetic switches are slowly coming into everyone's view, The intelligence of the wireless switch makes it easy to integrate into the smart home, when it comes to the smart home, do wireless kinetic switches need to be used with WiFi? The answer is naturally no. The wireless kinetic switch is battery-free without WiFi and Bluetooth. You may often see keywords about WiFi control and Bluetooth voice control appearing on the pages of kinetic switches on the Internet, but this does not mean that the kinetic switch must be connected to WiFi to work.
So where does the keyword need to connect to WiFi or Bluetooth come from? As we all know if you want to realize wireless control without batteries you need to use a matching controller, The WiFi connection and Bluetooth control is said to be the function of the controller, of course, this does not mean all controller, some people may call it a pass-through. In fact, the simple switch pairing does not require WiFi or Bluetooth, you can learn how to install the pairing through the video on our website.